Managed Services
Managed Services are key to ensure that the Cloud Infrastructure is smoothly running 24 x 7 and Customers can access applications seamlessly . With three plans – Essential, Advance and Enterprise, you can now focus on your core function.

Back Up & DR
Many companies start their cloud journey with Cloud-based Backup and DR that allows them to ensure a strong resilience built into their IT Infrastructure landscape at fraction of a cost compared to traditional Backup & DR driven by off-site tape library.

Continuous delivery allows us to automatically deliver software from one environment to the next in your software delivery life-cycle. With so many options to choose from, cloudmantra DevOps helps you choose what is relevant for you.

Who has access to your data? How can you control it? How can you establish trust between users and the services with which they interact? These are very important questions that Companies want to address. Security is not an Option, its a must.